Sphincter-Inflaton dynamics

Now that inflationary B-modes polarization signals have been teased out of CMB data, confirming inflation theory, it makes me think.

I’m not an astrophysicist but I still love to think about these things: What if the Big Bang is something that continually happens? We think of the Big Bang as being an event that occurred around 13.8 billion years ago and that was that. Over. Done.

But what if that is only what we see? It could be that what we identify as the Big Bang is really an ongoing process – possibly we are inside an enormous black hole which is in the center of another galaxy “outside” of ours. As matter gets sucked in and compressed into singularity in the black hole, it spews out on the “other side” – i.e. our universe – in an ongoing Big Bang.

But what might happen is that as everything gets spit out from the Big Bang Sphincter it also travels away and/or expands away so fast that everything at a certain threshold moment after having been spit out of the Sphincter becomes “our universe”, i.e. the totality of what we can actually ever know about. But there could be an ongoing process of this Sphincter continually spitting out “universe” – i.e. universe continuum, universe substrate.

But none of this might be possible. Even a black hole is not supposed to be able to break the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Black holes are currently understood to dissipate over extremely long epochs due to Hawking radiation. But maybe this dissipation can fit with the cosmology of the continually spewed-out universe substrate so that it all fits. In our “universe” (I put quotes around it because universe might just be a substrate that is continually streamed out of the black hole phincter) over billions of years everything expands and eventually the sky becomes dark. Galaxys and stars move farther and farther apart and eventually burn out until the sky is just black. But maybe this fits with Hawking radiation – it never actually burns out but just dissipates somehow back into the universe on the other side of the black hole Sphincter.

Here’s another thing to speculate about: Whether our universe came through a black hole Sphincter or not, the Big Bang occurred. Inflation occurred. This means that the primordial compression was real. By primordial compression I mean that which was at the beginning of the Big Bang (I’ve read that this is called the Inflaton).

But there’s something very, very strange about this. Think about it a minute. We are familiar with things. With matter. With energy too. Matter has properties. We are familiar with properties of matter. We are even familiar with electromagnetic properties and through science quantum properties as well. Its been such a big deal for human beings even to have become aware that there exist such properties in the first place. But – think of this – why are there these properties? What, exactly, are these properties. I don’t mean the actual descriptions of the fundamental forces, the mathematical models which describe them. I mean them themselves.

These properties – these forces or laws as they are understood – are they not like structure? But what carries that structure? What preserves that structure, even when the entire universe is compressed into an Inflaton where one would think everything – everything – would break down?

One topic that seems to relate to this is the Black Hole Information Paradox.

Is there something that is stronger than the Big Bang? Stronger than a singularity at the center of a massive black hole? How can there not be? It seems like everything would get crushed and scrambled once it is compressed to the point of an Inflaton or a black hole singularity. But it does not. Out of the Inflaton the universe expands and there are the forces, the laws. They didn’t get broken down. If you crush an object the structure gets destroyed.

Crush a clay pot and the structure of the pot gets destroyed. Crush it more and it gets increasingly pulverized to the point of becoming a soup of molecules. Keep crushing it and it becomes a soup of atoms. Keep crushing that and it becomes a soup of subatomic constituents like quarks. Keep crushing it and then what happens?

Even if it is compressed – along with everything else in the entire universe – down into an Inflaton – then it expands out again – the forces which defined those subatomic constituents and everything above that comes back, as if it was always there. But how could it have withstood such pulverisation? And what, exactly is it that we are talking about? To say it implies something, but even when compressed to a singularity-like level of incomprehensibly vast intensity, whatever it is that “carries” that structure, those laws – however you want to describe them – continues to exist.

The Inflaton is strange because it is something which by definition it seems impossible for anything to exist, but yet clearly something does exist. We are talking about a singularity which defies what we know in quantum physics. It seems like a defiance of reality because we know of no structure, no substrate or mechanism by which there can exist the fundamental forces yet doesn’t have form.

Maybe the Inflaton and the Sphincter are two different things, like two primordial things, and all the “laws” or “forces” come into existence through the dynamic interaction of the two? A lot of what cosmologists seem to be describing and dealing with now is Sphincter-Inflaton dynamics.

Maybe gravity is somehow associated with the Sphincter whereas the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear forces are associated with the Inflaton which is maybe why theorists have been unable to unify gravity and the other three forces into a comprehensive theory.